Windows are an integral part of your new home and it is important to understand the differences. A single hung window is a more affordable window that only has one workable sash (meaning only the bottom part goes up). Usually this type of window does not have wooden trim surrounding the window and they will have a sill at the bottom that is the total trim package. These … [Read more...]
Which Comes First? The Purchase or the Sale?
In the good old days (2000-2007), 'What if my house doesn't sell' was not overly concerning. For the most part, if the house was in decent shape and even close to a decent price, it would sell shortly with multiple offers and with terms that were very seller friendly. Typically, the most stressful part of the transaction for the seller was the speed at which the transaction … [Read more...]
What Does ‘Stick Built’ Mean and Why Does it Matter?
Stick building is a more traditional way of framing a home. Most small or custom builders use this as their preferred manner of constructing their homes since they tend to build homes that are unique. Roofs, floor trusses and all framing is, in effect, created on site from individual pieces of lumber. Problems, when encountered, can be solved more easily with stick building … [Read more...]
The Highlands Defines Itself
Many subdivisions lack the ability to tell the market what they are about. Some offer a pool. Some offer walking trails. Some even offer TWO pools...but at the end of the day, they are really not easily distinguishable from one another as the community center, lot size, home designs and builders are all remarkably similar. The Highlands, located near the Chesterfield … [Read more...]
The Need for Flexible Neighborhoods
Pretend someone invented a camera that could take a picture of your life. If you took a picture of your life for 5 years in a row, do you think the images would change a little? Not at all? A whole lot? I think we all know the answer. Our lives change rapidly and constantly. Children getting older. Parents getting older. Spouses getting older (notice a theme?) as well as … [Read more...]